
Guaraná Antarctica - Natal Farofa

Guaraná Antarctica - Natal Farofa

Eu não sei que Natal quietinho e organizado é esse que as outras marcas estão mostrando, mas com certeza não é o Natal BR. E olha que as nossas maluquices natalinas rendem tantas histórias que deu pro Guaraná Antarctica lançar um Sitcom inteiro direto no Globoplay. / A Christmas with socks on the fireplace and presents under the tree can be beautiful, but it is not a Brazilian Christmas. Guaraná Antarctica, as a BRAZILIANEST soft drink brand, decided to show our holidays as they really are: a delicious mess in which so much happens that could inspire a sitcom. (spoiler: it did. And on one of our biggest streaming platforms.)

Role: Creative Director